Updated 06:22 AM EDT, Tue, Mar 25, 2025

Open Carry Gun Activists Post Strange, Slightly Racist Video of Demonstration at Plaza Where Kennedy Was Shot [Watch]

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A group of open carry gun activists held a demonstration over the weekend at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, complete with rifles and prayers. The Dallas plaza is the location of President Kennedy's assassination, which makes the entire protest pretty bizarre, at least on the surface.

But what makes it even more bizarre is the 10 minute video of the demonstration, which the group posted on YouTube over the weekend. 

The group, identified by the Dallas Observer as open carry activists that go by the name "Come And Take It Dallas," apparently do this regularly, too. They meet the third Saturday of every month, during which they tote around guns in public and pass out literature on the Second Amendment. 

That's what one would probably expect from an open carry group, but what was a little more puzzling was what was happening in the video footage from Saturday's protest.

The footage begins with some random still shots and music, and then an activist appears on camera, explaining the group's monthly activism. Oh, and he rants about foreigners, too. 

Referring to President Barack Obama as a "usurper foreigner" born in Kenya, the activist appears oddly, well, not rational for a person carrying a rifle (or whatever that gun is).

But the first activist isn't the only odd duck on the video. There's also a preacher in the video, who's hanging out up on that same grassy knoll with the gun activists, and there is apparently a little bit of praying going on. Even the camera guy gets in on it, saying "Amen" in response to the preacher's sermon, which is apparently about the pitfalls of a "sexually charged society."

So, while the open carry folks are obviously within their rights to protest on the grassy knoll where Kennedy was shot -- even if that's slightly morbid and really kind of at odds with the right to bear arms considering the President died from a gunshot wound to the head -- what's bizarre about the video is that it doesn't appear to have much to do with gun rights.

Racist rights? Yes. Fear of "foreigners" rights? Sure. And we'll even give them a pass on the fear of a sexually charged society, whatever that means. But where in the world is the gun activism in all this? Cause we sure can't find it. 

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