Updated 06:01 AM EDT, Thu, Mar 27, 2025

Mexican Kardashian Lookalike and Rumored Sinaloa Assassin Denies Cartel Ties

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A woman in northern Mexico who became a social media sensation over her resemblance to Kim Kardashian, along with her rumored Sinaloa Cartel ties, has denied being having a role in the assassin group "Los Ántrax."

Dubbed the "Empress of the Anthrax," Claudia Ochoa Felix became an overnight sensation after photos of her excessive lifestyle, many of which seemed suspect for cartel ties, caught the attention of the news media earlier this year.

The gorgeous brunette has been dubbed a Kim Kardashian lookalike, but the photos on her social media accounts tell a very different story of Ochoa Felix's success. Plastered across Instagram are photos of Ochoa Felix lounging surrounded by bodyguards posing with hot pink and gold-plated semi-automatic weapons.

In one, her young son with José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, former leader of the assassin group Los Ántrax, lays covered in mounds of Mexican pesos.

But Gamboa no longer leads the group; it would be impossible from the jail in Amsterdam where he sits. He was apprehended in December 2013, and is awaiting extradition to the U.S. on drug charges. 

With her rumored partner out of the lead as the head of the hit squad, the Mexican press has repeatedly named selfie-loving Ochoa Felix as the new boss of the assassin group, a title her Twitter feed seems to confirm.

After attention turned toward the photos, Ochoa Felix took down the accounts and now denies any ties to the cartel. La Emperatriz de los Antra has taken to the Mexican airwaves, holding a press conference in her hometown of Culiacan, Sinaloa, to deny the rumors.

"My children are being subjected to bullying, my mother is suffering from anxiety, and I am devastated and without peace, and now my physical integrity is threatened," said Ochoa Felix.

She also denies reports that she is the one in the photos, claiming that her Instagram and Twitter have been cloned, and the photos claiming to be her are from hoax accounts.

Ochoa Felix also claims that she has filed a complaint with authorities about the "hoax" photos, stating that they've caused irreparable harm to her and her family.

The Sinaloa Cartel is classified as one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world, with hired hit squads and protection that keeps them nearly untouchable by authorities.

In a very telling move, Ochoa Felix opened a Facebook fan page June 7, in the midst of the controversy. 

But does she really look like Kim?

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