Updated 08:46 PM EDT, Mon, Mar 24, 2025

Guatemala's New President Jimmy Morales Finding Office Difficult?

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President Jimmy Morales's lack of experience and governmental plans were already a clear indication that he will start his rule in Guatemala with a bit of difficulty. However, El Periodico notes that the perception of the people in the first few weeks is already a cause for concern.

Morales's campaign promised "full transparency" but it seems that it's easier said than done. To the public, his questionable appointments, disdain in answering certain questions, and incorporating defectors to his party is more than enough to damage his image. Yet, he denied involvement in any of these actions, making people wonder whether or not he has what it takes to rule the country.

The current president's inexperience is now becoming much of a burden. As noted by Truth-Out, he was a former comedian known for being in a racist television show which mocked the indigenous tribes of his own country.

Add the fact that the government is in poor condition, with problems in public finances and an economy that's about to collapse. Clearly, Morales is not off to a good start. The mistakes that people deemed he made in the beginning of his rule already lost him some of his popularity points. Still, it cannot be expected that he will be able to solve all of Guatemala's problems in the four weeks since he was sworn into office. His campaign, which read "Neither corrupt nor a thief," will not be able to save him when it comes to ruling the country, as it has now become evident that his lack of political experience is fast becoming a burden.

His failure to act on important issues such as poverty and corruption could be enough for the public to turn on him once again.

Kelsey Alford-Jones, the executive director of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission, said that the public is tired of the corruption in the government as well as their disregard for the qualms of the people in previous years. Alford-Jones then added that if the public senses similar problems in the incoming administration, it likely won't be long before they take to the streets again.

El Periodico noted that the democratic government is made to face greater challenges. With the problems Morales is facing now, only time can tell whether he will be the government to change the situation of the country, or be among the long list of former presidents who was absorbed by the poison of politics.

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