Updated 01:22 AM EDT, Sun, Mar 23, 2025

Xbox One News: Player Creates Username That Forces Others to Sign Out of Games on Console

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One Xbox One fan has found an interesting way to prank fellow gamers by forcing them to sign out of Xbox Live and interrupting their online games.

The user, known as Master of Luck, submitted a Youtube video (see below) showing off a clever way to take advantage of the Xbox Kinect and trick people into signing out of Xbox Live. Master of Luck made the gamertag "Xbox Sign Out," which is also the voice command for the Xbox One to cause users to sign out of Xbox Live, the online subscription program that allows users to play their games online. To pull off the prank, Master of Luck antagonised and annoyed Call of Duty: Ghosts players so they woud yell his gamertag, thus eliciting a screen asking if they really do want to sign out of Xbox Live right in the middle of the match. Several players fell for the trick, with their reactions ranging from bemusement to some growing even angrier at Master of Luck for interrupting their game.

Luckily, there are a few simple solutions to protect yourself from such pranks. One way is to turn off voice commands or the Kinect altogether so that there is no danger of accidentally saying the wrong thing while playing a game. Another is to play games in private group chat with friends so that only the people within the party can hear each other talk. 

The Kinect comes standard with the Xbox One; it was one of the many features that Microsoft highlighted on the console that makes it stand out against the competition. People can use the Kinect for motion-controlled games, but the device's primary function seems to be using its voice controls to navigate through the menus of the console and to open and close apps. This allows users to multitask while playing games and can make bringing up content much easier on the Xbox One. However, the Kinect is also one of the main reasons that the Xbox One is $500, which is $100 more than the PlayStation 4 and $200 more than the Wii U.

Warning: this video is NSFW thanks to some frustrated and angry gamers.  

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