Updated 07:31 AM EDT, Sun, Mar 23, 2025

Paris Attacks: Charlie Hebdo Strikes Back After Multiple Bombings Says ‘Screw Them, We Have Champagne’

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France's magazine, Charlie Hebdo, target of lethal attacks by Islamist militants in January, remained unafraid as it defended party-goers in a new edition following the attacks in Paris last Friday.

The satirical journal, which grabbed headlines in January for a shooting on its Paris offices in January, published a front-page cartoon that showed in contrast Islamist gunmen and Western civilians with a photo of a youthful fun-lover peppered with bullet holes as he was dancing with a bottle of champagne and a glass in hand.

The headline then read, "The have weapons. Screw them. We have champagne."

Check out the photo here.

The edition was the first since Friday's attacks that killed at least 129 people, some of them sharing drinks on the terraces of Paris cafes or having fun at a rock concert in the Bataclan hall. Deemed Europe's deadliest attack in a decade, the acts of terrorism were claimed by the Islamic State (ISIS) just 10 months after they attacked the Charlie Hebdo offices, which as it turned out, is just a short walk from the Bataclan.

Reuters noted that the journal lost many of their cartoonist in the attacks from January, many of whom lampoon Islam and other religions on a regular basis.

According to Yahoo!, the paper's managing editor, Riss, wrote in an editorial, "Blood and tears, prophesied Churchill. That's where we are. Without realising it, the Parisians of 2015 have sort of become the Londoners of 1940, determined not to yield, neither to fear nor to resignation, whatever catches them off guard."

He also called for a debate on Islam as a religion, noting that "for the past 20 years has become a battleground where radicals want to exterminate non-believers and subdue moderates by force."

Riss then concluded, "Avoiding the pitfall of division should not make us renounce the right to criticise religion on the pretext that its exercise is sometimes irritating. Among all the basic freedoms that make up our lives, it is also this freedom that the killers wanted to eliminate this Friday evening."

Despite Charlie Hebdo's strong words and fighting spirit, however, it has been noted that the journal's circulation and international notoriety came after the first attack in January. The journal is still currently struggling to overcome their tragedy, as Reuters noted that it was saved from financial ruin merely from the sympathy-driven spike in their subscriptions earlier this year.

What do you think of this latest edition from France's satirical magazine?

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