Updated 06:14 PM EST, Fri, Jan 10, 2025

Apple Inc. Siri Tackles British Accents: Several U.K. Accents Test Apple's Voice Assistant With Impressive and Hilarious Results [Video]

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What do you get when Apple's voice assistant comes across with British accents?

For some viewers, entertainment ensues.

The team from Macworld in the United Kingdom tested Apple's Siri program in order to detect if the voice assistant could understand the various accents the U.K. has to offer.

With folks hailing from various cities such as Bermondsey, Devon, Grimsby, Manchester, and West Yorkshire, the team asked Siri several questions. In addition, an employee faked a Scottish accent to extend the U.K.'s diverse accents.

Questions asked to Siri included directions, nearest food locations, sports, movie times, and music, to name a few.

The results varied.

"We were surprised, in fact, by how well Siri got on, suggesting that Apple has been working hard to hone its U.K. ear. Our unluckiest subject was Chris [Brown] from Grimsby, but most of the rest had to really ham up their accents in order to be misunderstood," Macworld's David Price reported.

By the end of it all, Siri was able to understand the various U.K. accents even when some attemps were exaggerated.

"Overall, then, we were impressed: Siri did a lot better than we were expecting. Some accents do better than others, mind you, with our Grimsby representative reporting (and demonstrating) that Siri struggles in that part of the nation," Price added. "But it understood James' cod-Glaswegian better than most real Scots probably would."

Watch the video below. The five-minute video is worth the time and comic relief.


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