Updated 10:27 AM EST, Wed, Jan 01, 2025

Target Upset With Beyoncé, Refuses to Sell Her New Album

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Over the course of its first weekend, Beyonce’s self-titled surprise album quickly rose to the top of the iTune charts. It came as no surprise. She’s the top-selling female pop singer of all time. If she drops an album, it’s going to reach No. 1. It’s almost guaranteed. However, while iTunes sales remain astronomically high, her in-store sales will not be as impressive, a direct result of Target’s decision to not sell the album, and let’s be honest, iTunes’ vicegrip on the market.

A spokesperson for Target told Billboard that since Beyonce released the album digitally before it was available physically, the store will not carry it, even during the busy weeks leading up to Christmas.

“At Target we focus on offering our guests a wide assortment of physical CD’s, and when a new album is available digitally before it is available physically, it impacts demand and sales projections,” said spokesperson Erica Julkowski. “While there are many aspects that contribute to our approach and we have appreciated partnering with Beyonce in the past, we are primarily focused on offering CDs that will be available in a physical format at the same time as all other formats. At this time, Target will not be carrying Beyonce’s new self-titled album ‘Beyonce.’”

Beyonce has worked with Target in the past, exclusively providing the retailer with a six-bonus track version of 2011 release “4.” She also starred in a television commercial for Target where she says, “I put so much into my new album, and only Target gives you all of it.”

Columbia Records released “Beyonce” at 12 a.m. Friday morning on iTunes without any warning. iTunes remains the exclusive seller until Dec. 18, when a few retailers across the U.S. will receive hard copies of the album. By Dec. 20, one week following its initial iTunes’ release, most retailers will have physical copies of the album, however, there will be no additional bonus material included.

Is Target making the right call? Are they refusing to sell “Beyonce” on moral grounds, upset that she went to iTunes before them? Or are they making a statement against the current trend of digital media, how iTunes sales are making smaller CD retailers obsolete? It’s a risky move, but one they will stand by.

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