Updated 09:38 PM EDT, Fri, Mar 21, 2025

Metal Gear Solid 5 News: Creator Discusses Ground Zeroes, Release Date for Game [Trailer]

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Metal Gear Solid 5 might be one of the most hotly anticipated games for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but series creator Hideo Kojima is rather mysterious when it comes to talking about his projects. Lucky for fans, Kojima recently revealed some secrets about the game to Japanese website Famitsu, which were translated by Siliconera.

The series creator discussed to prologue to the main portion of Metal gear Solid 5, Ground Zeroes, and put the chapter (which will be released separately in the spring of 2014) in perspective with the bulk of Metal Gear Solid 5:

"If I were to put it in Hollywood movie terms, the prologue, that is Ground Zeroes, would be similar to the first 10-15 minutes that are meant to 'captivate' [the audience]...At first, something will happen, then the title will appear like 'bam!' and then nine years later, a big event will be the start [of Metal Gear Solid V]. That's how the story will be connected. As far as the game itself goes, The Phantom Pain will take place in an immense open world map, while Ground Zeroes takes place in a smaller open world. It would've actually been better to release it all at once, but by the way things are going, it appears likely that Phantom Pain will be coming out around the time the PlayStation 4 becomes more spread out. That means we would've had to make people wait a while longer."

Many fans had hoped that the constant updates about Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain (the main portion of Metal Gear Solid 5) and the new FOX Engine indicated that Kojima's team was far along in the development process for the game. Kojima explained how the long length of The Phantom Pain influenced the release date for the game and the decision to release Ground Zeroes as a separate chapter:

"The Phantom Pain has enormous volume, so it will require much more time...So, together with the marketing staff, we consulted 'what ifs' and such, and came to the decision of allowing fans to at least play the prologue, ahead of time. We want to offer it for as cheap as possible, so at first we thought about making it as a download only; however, after thinking about people around the world, and how some places don't have the best connectivity, we're preparing a physical version."

Look out for more news on Metal gear Solid 5 right here as Kojima and his team continue to work on the game. No official release date has been confirmed for The Phantom Pain.

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