Updated 03:35 PM EDT, Wed, Mar 26, 2025

'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Premiere Trailer, Cast & Spoilers: Sand Snakes, Myrcella & More Characters Revealed!

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Less than a month to go, and "Game of Thrones" will be back for its fifth season, giving author George RR Martin new ways to make fans scream and cry in shock, it seems.

In a report by Entertainment Weekly, it seems that the author of the novels where the series is based from has said that there will be characters on screen that will die, despite the fact that they are alive and (probably not) well in the books. Yes, he wants it all to be a surprise and make sure that fans of the series, in pages and in moving pictures are equally emotionally unprepared.

According to Bustle, theories on who is going to die next is running rampant on Reddit, the most popular character death of choice being Samwell Tarly (John Bradley) who has been with the show almost from the start. Other guesses include Roose Bolton, Melisandre, or Davos.

Everyone also wanted Ramsay Bolton (the evil guy who tortured Theon Greyjoy) to die, but considering how much he is hated, the showrunners might let him stay just for the kicks, like they did Joffrey Baratheon.

Instead of dwelling on who's going to die next, though, the new season will introduce fans to new characters, including Prince Oberlyn's vengeful daughters, Obara, Tyene, and Nymeria, aka the Sand Snakes.

New photos from the Kingdom of Dorne has been released, and according to The Daily Mail, the elder of Oberlyn's eight bastard daughters want to take it upon themselves to avenge their father, who died at the hands of The Mountain Who Rides, Ser Gregor Clegane.

His three elder daughters are Obara (Keisha Castle-Hughes), a formidable warrior with skills of a spear like her father's; Nymeria (Jessica Henwick) who can probably give Indiana Jones a run for his money with a whip; and Tyene (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) who can hold her own in a fight with twin daggers.

Daily Mail added that Cersei's daughter, Myrcella, also returns, though much older than she was last seen and now played by Nell Tiger Free (she used to be played by Aimee Richardson). Myrcella, as fans recall, were sent to Dorne by Tyrion Lannister in season two. She returns in season five as the bethrothed to Trystane Martell (Toby Sebastian) who is son of Prince Doran and cousin of the Sand Snakes.

More twists are in store for the fifth season, and according to showrunner David Benioff which Entertainment Weekly cited, "Worlds are colliding. One of the things we've been most excited about from the beginning of the series is we've had all these far-flung story lines across Westeros and Essos which almost never cross. Now some of these characters start to head on a collision course for each other."

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