Refugee Crisis: Hungary Prime Minister to Sue European Commission for Mandatory Refugee Quotas

By Nens Bolilan| Dec 04, 2015

Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has expressed that his country will file a lawsuit against the European Commission for its mandatory refugee quotas.

World News Report said they would file legal action at the European Court of Justice on Thursday. This will reportedly target the plans of distributing 120,000 refugees across the 28 members of the bloc.

"Hungary will today submit to the European court its appeal against the decision of the European Commission about the mandatory settlement of people, migrants in Hungarian territory," Orban was quoted by World News Report as saying.

The issue of setting quotas has also been met with opposition from countries like Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The distribution plan, as per World News Report, would dictate that Hungary will receive 1,300 people while Germany will have the largest at 17,000.

The Hungarian Prime Minister earlier tagged the quotas as "illegal, unreasonable and unfair."

According to Politico, Hungary is the second government to file a lawsuit at the European Court of Justice after Slovakia.

It also noted that Slovakia Prime Minister, Robert Fico, asked the courts to consider the quotas invalid, noting that they were "nonsensical and technically impossible."

Both countries, according to Politico, are up against the plan laid out in September by interior ministers to relocate the refugees across 26 of the 28 member countries.

"The U.K. and Denmark are not involved, as they have opt-outs on justice and home affairs issues. Denmark votes in a referendum Thursday on whether to opt into those rules," explained the same report.

Orban said that his country's capacity to protect itself is not enough since the entire population would be threatened with the loss of homes, their continent and even culture.

Business Insider reported that the police in Macedonia have used pepper spray and stun grenades to prevent hundreds of migrants who tried to cross the border of their country from Greece.

It added that the republic only allows people to cross their country from Greece if they are from countries facing war like Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. But Business Insider said that those from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh and North African nations are left stranded at the border.

"In recent days, Macedonian authorities have erected a fence to control the flow of people at the border and prevent others from crossing," added the same report.

Despite the tight security, Business Insider said a group of 400 people, mostly from Pakistan and Bangladesh, tried to cross the border through a creek but Macedonian forces stopped them.

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